The Staff Development System!

Staff Development System

The Staff Development System is designed to help you meet License Renewal requirements, Immunization requirements, Nurse Aide (All Staff) Education requirements, Compliance Check requirements, and helps you Track Staff Turnover.



- Three Systems in One

     In-Service Management System

     Immunization Management System

     Compliance Check System

- Quickly set up In-Services by selecting a department, a title, and/or a unit to invite

- Set mandatory requirements as needed

- Print an In-Service signup sheet

- After the In-Service, enter the dates of employee attendance and each employee's record is updated automatically

- Track employee compliance for In-Service attendance

- Tracks License Expiration Dates, CPR and First Aid Certifications

- Tracks HealthCare Worker Background Check Compliance

- Manage Employee Immunization Requirements

- Print Employee Immunization Signup Sheet

- Print Employee Immunization Records

- Identify those that have not had required Immunizations

- Tracks Hepatitis series, Mantoux series, Influenza, H1N1, Pneumovax, etc

- QA Tool to identify percentages of staff Immunized by Department

- Manage Employee Education Requirements

- Track Educational Hours and CEUs based on License Expiration Year, Calendar Year and/or Hire Date Anniversary Year

- Print Certificate of Completion

- Print Employee Education Records

- Identify those that have not had required Education

- QA Tool to identify percentage of attendance for each In-Service

- Evaluate Staff Turnover by Department, Unit, Shift, Title, and Reason for Termination

- An illustrated step by step self education training tool is included so you can learn how to navigate the system at your own pace

- Even a novice computer user will quickly become proficient

- Installs easily from a CD

- 30 day Purchase price money back guarantee if not satisfied


Desktop Edition

- Includes 1 workstation license


Network Edition

- Includes 1 server license and 4 workstation licenses

- Backup the database from a server in a network environment