The Infection Control System!

Infection Control SystemThe Infection Control System is designed so you can put a program in place to help the Infection Preventionist reduce the spread of infection in your facility as specified in F-Tag 441.  Following are a few of the many features of the system.



- Track resident symptoms of possible infection

- Easily identify residents with infectious agents

- Track residents with MDROs

- Identify residents with Health Care Associated Infections

- Identify residents with Community Acquired and Non Community Acquired Infections

- Identify residents with risks for infection

- Track treatments in place for infectious agents

- Graph identifies cultured organisms on each Facility Unit for each month

- Track resident influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations

- Know which residents are due for annual Mantoux tests

- Print a list of residents in isolation

- Daily click a button to see if an outbreak is occurring

- Print a resident report for transfer to a hospital showing immunizations, risks, lab work results, and any MDRO history

- Print a graph of reportable and a graph of non reportable infections for a selected date range

- Print a list of lab or imaging reports not yet received

- Display or print the rooms on a Unit and the organisms or diagnoses found in each room for a selected date range

- Display or print the rooms on a Unit and the infectious agents found in each room for a selected date range

- Print a list of reasons why immunizations were not administered

- Print infectious agent outbreak information and identify facility processes to contain the outbreak

- Print a list of selected infectious agents that were active while selected risks were present or not present

- Track Employee infectious agents

- An illustrated step by step self education training tool is included so you can learn how to navigate the system at your own pace

- Even a novice computer user will quickly become proficient

- Installs easily from a CD

- 30 day Purchase price money back guarantee if not satisfied


Desktop Edition

- Includes 1 workstation license


Network Edition

- Includes 1 server license and 4 workstation licenses

- Backup the database from a server in a network environment