The Incident Accident Management System!

Incident Accident Management System


The Incident Accident Management System is a tool which helps you analyze incidents and accidents.  It helps you identify, evaluate and analyze hazards and risks.  It helps you develop new interventions to prevent re-occurrences.  It helps you to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.  It helps you to follow Federal Guidelines.  It helps you analyze individual Resident incidents and Facility incident information.

- Guides Nurses through the four processes described in the NEW Regulation to assure that your facility's accidents can be identified as unavoidable

- Helps you find the root cause of Accidents

- Provides the information you need to develop more effective interventions

- Provides Individual Resident centered Incident analysis reports

- Provides many facility centered analysis reports

- Tools to help you comply with F-tag 323 Accidents and F-tag 520 Quality Assessment and Assurance

- Hazard and Resident Risk selection lists come directly from the F-tag 323, but you may customize the lists as needed

- Evaluate falls with injury, falls without injury, bruising, skin tears, elopement, resident to resident abuse

- Customize the above Incident types to meet your facility requirements, or add additional types

- Analyze incident occurrences by unit, shift, time of day, day of week, location, and activity at time of incident

- Provides an Incident communication tool

- Provides reports for Quality Assessment and Assurance Meetings, Care Plan Meetings, and Family Meetings

- A pictured step-by-step self education training tool is included to allow Nurses to learn, at their own pace, how to use the system

- Even a novice computer user will quickly become proficient

- Installs easily from a CD

- 30 day Purchase price money back guarantee if not satisfied


Desktop Edition

- Includes 1 workstation license


Network Edition

- Frontline staff can enter their own post fall assessment, can follow regulatory processes to identify hazards and risks, and can implement changes more quickly to take responsibility for producing positive outcomes.

- Network Editions enable an immediate review of the Resident's prior Accident History to be completed when an Accident occurs

- Backup the database from a server in a network environment

- Includes 1 server and 4 workstation licenses